Advantages of Accademia Sol
Why choose Accademia Sol for your professional training?
Here is explained!
Four-year or two-year training
A four-year 1500-hour or two-year 450-hour training in Naturopathy in line with law no. 4/2013 which is aimed at protecting those who use professional services of an intellectual nature, even if provided by Professionals not organized in orders, colleges or registers, under the banner of maximum transparency. As part of this purpose, the law recognizes the nature of a profession to the activity of those who provide these services and regulates and enhances their quality.
Amount of internship hours
A number of hours of internship (500 hours for the Naturopathy course and 58 for the Reflexology course) already included in the total number of hours that allows you to learn the practical aspect of the discipline. The internship can be carried out on site or in external centers or activities subject to authorization by the school.
Training under scrutiny
Training “under examination”: for each teaching subject we provide an exam to evaluate the actual learning by the pupil on the subject. The exams are mainly written and can be carried out in agreement with the secretariat without pre-scheduled sections, each student can give the exam they prefer when they feel ready. Some subjects provide for the practical exam which is carried out in a session that will be agreed with the teacher of the exam subject.
Social sharing activities
Wellness days at facilities dedicated to sports or wellness and more (swimming pools, parks, shopping centers, etc.). Participation in trade fairs. Organization of charitable events, during which the proceeds will be donated to charity.
Deontological update sessions with the various bodies by which we are certified: SIAF, FAC, NATURFED, FEDOLISTICA. In addition to certifications in the Holistic field, our courses have ASI.
Teaching staff
A staff of teachers constantly updated and at your disposal not only on the didactic aspects but also as therapists. A tutor who will be able to support you throughout your journey. Educational material in digital mode to protect nature and the environment. Theoretical and practical training in the classroom.
Presence throughout Italy
The possibility of following the didactic courses in the various locations of Accademia Sol in Italy: Gallarate, Milan, Genoa, Verona, Florence, Naples, Rome and Cosio Valtellino.
Hai già una formazione?
Noi te la teniamo buona
All’alunno proveniente da un’altra accademia di naturopatia verranno decurtati euro 100,00 per ogni materia già svolta compatibile con la nostra formazione (programma e monte ore svolte)
Presentando l’attestato di diploma in estetica all’alunno verranno decurtati dalla retta accademica del primo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di anatomia/fisiologia già conseguita presso la scuola di appartenenza.
Presentando l’attestato di Laurea in Erboristeria all’alunno verranno decurtati dalla retta accademica del primo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di chimica/biochimica e dalla retta accademica del terzo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di fitocomplementi già conseguite presso l’università di appartenenza.
Presentando l’attestato di Laurea in Infermieristica all’alunno verranno decurtati dalla retta accademica del primo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di anatomia/fisiologia, dalla retta accademica del secondo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di patologia e dalla retta accademica del terzo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di lettura esami ematici già conseguite presso l’università di appartenenza.
Presentando l’attestato di Laurea in Farmacologia all’alunno verranno decurtati dalla retta accademica del primo anno euro 200,00 per le materie di chimica/biochimica – anatomia/fisiologia e dalla retta accademica del secondo anno euro 100,00 per la materia di patologia già conseguite presso l’università di appartenenza.
Presentando l’attestato di Laurea in Scienze motorie all’alunno verranno decurtati dalla retta accademica del primo anno euro 200,00 per le materia di chimica/biochimica e anatomia/fisiologia già conseguite presso l’università di appartenenza.