Our awards
Accademia Sol is a certified institution
The Scientific Technical Committee of Bio-Natural Disciplines (C.T.S. D.B.N.) born in application of the Regional Law 2/2005 is made up of representatives of all the Training Organisation and Associations of Operators who in recent years have worked to spread the culture and methods of various D.B.N. in the Lombardy Region and in the rest of the country. In particular, the law identifies the Operators in the D.B.N., their Associations, their Training Bodies as creators of the content of merit of the provision itself.
Professional category associations aims to recognize the skills acquired by the professional and to associate those who possess the training requirements. It deals with:
- To establish a special Professional Register in which to enter its members
- To promote and coordinate initiatives aimed at issuing and maintaining the registration certificate, facilitating the choice and protection of users in compliance with competition rules.
- To promote and coordinate initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge of the “Code of Conduct”, facilitating its mandatory compliance in order to maintain registration in the register
- To promote and stimulate the constant training of associates through a process of “Permanent Professional Training”
- To qualify the professionalism of the members by promoting in-depth and professional updating activities such as congresses, conferences, scientific events, publications, multimedia information, seminars, advanced training courses and other activities for the purpose of study and research on the subject.
Accademia Sol è una Scuola di Naturopatia con lo scopo di insegnare, divulgare e diffondere i principi della Naturopatia Olistica.